Why Your Child Needs Messy Play

When was the last time you let your child get truly messy? Messy play, or sensory play, is the open-ended exploration of materials and how they work. It’s crucial for your child’s development and, yes, as the name suggests—it can get messy. Activities like scooping sand, smearing shaving cream, and squishing clay are perfect examplesContinue reading “Why Your Child Needs Messy Play”

The Best Open-Ended Toys for Gift Giving

One thing about having young children: you always need a gift. And when you bring an open-ended toy, you’re bound to be the best gift-giver at the party! In this season of life filled with baby showers, birthdays, brit milahs, doljanchis, and more—having a go-to list of top-tier gifting options is a must. Even better:Continue reading “The Best Open-Ended Toys for Gift Giving”

9 Benefits of Mixed-Age Classrooms

There was a time when children were in the 2’s class, then graduated to the 3’s. But more and more, early learning programs are harnessing the power—and seeing the benefits—of mixed-age classrooms. Mixed-age classrooms follow the Montessori method, a renowned early education approach where the teacher’s role is to encourage children’s natural ability to discoverContinue reading “9 Benefits of Mixed-Age Classrooms”

Why Action Songs are Important for Toddlers

When you become a parent, your playlist begins to change. Your Spotify Wrapped will likely show more Laurie Berkner than Nirvana and for good reason: music is a key learning tool for young children.  Action songs—like “I’m a Little Teapot” or “Hop Little Bunnies”—are one of our favorite types of music for young children. TheirContinue reading “Why Action Songs are Important for Toddlers”