How to Design a Playspace for Learning

You could spend all day gathering playspace inspiration from Pinterest and Instagram, but there is so much more to a great playspace than a really cool wall mural. It takes true design intention to create a playspace that encourages learning for young children, with consideration of both form and function.  Here at Vivvi, we knowContinue reading “How to Design a Playspace for Learning”

Six Indoor Winter Activities for Young Children

The winter season starts out with so much excitement for parents of young children—the holidays! the snow! the winter breaks! But after the initial burst of winter fun subsides, the reality sets in: you’re going to be stuck inside with your kids, often in a small space, for the foreseeable future. While we love exploringContinue reading “Six Indoor Winter Activities for Young Children”

How Rotating Your Child’s Toys Supports Learning through Play

We’ve all been to a playdate at another family’s house (ok maybe it’s your house) and have been shocked by the amount of toys everywhere. In some homes (ok maybe your home), toys have taken over. Getting new toys is fun, but having too many toys can actually be quite overwhelming for little ones. “TooContinue reading “How Rotating Your Child’s Toys Supports Learning through Play”

Vivvi Toy Gift Guide by Age

Here at Vivvi we spend a lot of time thinking about what your child is learning while they’re at play – and toys can be the tools they use to help them get there.  As any parent knows, though, more does not always mean merrier. In fact, too many toys can be overwhelming, and evenContinue reading “Vivvi Toy Gift Guide by Age”

When I Play: Blocks

At Vivvi, we believe children learn best through play; it’s how they make sense of the world. Every playtime activity—even the most seemingly small—has a much larger learning or developmental benefit. Our new Vivvi series: “When I Play” will help parents understand the greater purpose behind their children’s play, and help you get in onContinue reading “When I Play: Blocks”

How to Teach Empathy to Young Children

When parents think about learning for young children, they often assume we’re talking about developmental or academic skills. But empathy is also an incredibly important skill for young children to develop, and it’s something that can be taught, both in the classroom and at home.  Empathy is the capacity to look at something from aContinue reading “How to Teach Empathy to Young Children”

Preparing Young Children for Halloween

While many adults associate Halloween with the nostalgic fun of their youth, for young children, Halloween can be an overwhelming and overstimulating experience.  “Dressing up in costumes, being out at night, and asking strangers for candy are all things that are definitely out of routine for young children,” explains Vivvi’s VP of Learning Rachel Duda.Continue reading “Preparing Young Children for Halloween”

What Your Child Learns Through Dress-Up Play

Dress-up play is one of the most exciting parts of being a small child. Their big imaginations are on display, trying out new roles and ideas. We hear often that the work of children is play, and it’s so true. When your child is dressing up for make-believe, there is more learning and brain developmentContinue reading “What Your Child Learns Through Dress-Up Play”

4 Tips to Ease Anxiety Around Bringing Home Another Baby

Bringing home another baby – a sibling for your oldest! – is so thrilling and exciting… until it isn’t. For a lot of parents, when the due date gets close, there’s a hard emotional crash. The initial excitement of having another child turns into anxiety and fear of what the future with two children willContinue reading “4 Tips to Ease Anxiety Around Bringing Home Another Baby”

5 Tips for Parenting in the Early Years from Dr. Becky

Here at Vivvi, we know how important parenting in the early years is for the foundation of the family. It’s when you watch your child experience the world for the first time, and when you experience joys and worries you didn’t know were possible. It’s also when you develop your identity as a parent, andContinue reading “5 Tips for Parenting in the Early Years from Dr. Becky”